Fx Graph 6 Efofex Software 6 001 2 Download Free

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Changes FX Graph Makes (Advanced) 9 Automatic Registration and Configuration (Advanced) 9 Part IV FX Graph and Word 11 1 Adding FX Graph to Word 11 2 Using FX Graph in Microsoft Word 11 Part V Using FX Graph 12 1 Accessing FX Graph 12 2 Getting Started 13 3 Quick Entry Screen 13 4 Function Entry 16 5 Special Points About Function Entry 16. VCDCut Pro is a software that allows you to cut and split your video files. VCDCut Pro supports slide show image file image support when playing the video, enjoy video clips of the segment, to generate a screenshot of the video live emptied to support the entry window / screen online, as well as a video game send a picture / image video cameras simulated independently, offering a wide range of.

Take A Look

Basiccolor devil 4 0 2 download free. This short video will (very quickly) show you a small selection of the tools in FX Draw.

Feature List

Geometric Diagrams

  • Inbuilt geometry system that understands tangents, perpendiculars, parallel lines, common tangents, angle bisectors and equal lengths lines. Makes drawing geometric diagrams intuitive.
  • Multiple tools to draw lines including end points, mid points, rise/run and length/angle.
  • Over twenty arrow types for lines including parallel line marks and circles.
  • Multiple tools to draw circles including centre/point on circumference, diameter, circle defined by three points and circle inscribed in square.
  • Compass like drawing tools. Can be used to simulate geometric constructions.
  • Quickly mark and annotate angles with a selection of ten different mark types.
  • Six specialized triangle drawing tools that allow you to quickly draw any triangle.
  • Triangles understand in-centres, circum-centres, centroids and orthocentres.
  • Seven specialized quadrilateral drawing tools that allow you to quickly draw rectangles, kites, parallelograms, rhombuses and trapeziums.
  • Highly efficient point-marking tool to mark and annotate important points on your geometric diagram.
  • Option to automatically mark and annotate important points when drawing geometric diagrams.
  • Multiple arc and ellipse tools that allow you to construct exactly the arc/ellipse you need.
  • Regular polygon tools that allow you to draw squares to regular 30000-gons.

Drawing Tools

  • 180 and 360 degree protractors that can be added to any diagram
  • A ruler tool that allows you to show accurate measurements. The ruler can be totally customised including negative values.
  • Bitmaps, PNG and JPEG files can be pasted into FX Draw. This allows you to use FX Draw's specialized mathematical tools to annotate real situations.
  • Draw Bezier curves and smoothed lines.
  • Advanced dynamic flood fill tool.
  • Free rotation and reflection of objects.

Text/Equation Entry

Fx Graph 6 Efofex Software 6 001 2 download free. full

  • FX Draw includes our FX Autoquate technology which allows you to easily mix equations and normal text. The system automatically detects which bits need to be formatted as equations.
  • FX Draw includes our full FX Equation product which makes equation entry as quick as typing.
  • For a full list of the features of the in-built equation system, visit the FX Equation page.

Function Graphs

  • FX Draw includes our full FX Graph graphing tool which allows you to quickly create and annotate any graph.
  • Quick, visual function entry system that allows you to simply type the function but shows you exactly how it is interpreting your entry.
  • Graph Cartesian functions, inverse functions, polar functions, parametric functions, implicitly defined functions, points, vectors, Argand diagrams, slope fields, piecewise defined functions, domains, inequations and feasible regions.
  • Show families of curves, demonstrate transformational graphing and create animations.
  • For a full list of the features of the function graphing tool, visit the FX Graph page.

Statistical Graphs

  • FX Draw includes our full FX Stat graphing tool which allows you to quickly create statistical data and graphs.
  • Create data sets which fit fifteen different probability functions, including time-series data and bivariate data. The data generators allow you to quickly create questions.
  • Automatically calculate summary statistics for data sets.
  • Graph raw data, grouped data and frequency tables.
  • Draw column graphs, bar graphs, pie graphs, box and whisker plots, cumulative frequency graphs, dot plots, stem and leaf diagrams, line graphs, frequency polygons, histograms, cumulative histograms, back-to-back histograms, divided bar graphs, scatterplots, residuals graphs, link graphs and triangle graphs.
  • For a full list of the features of the statistical graphing tool, visit the FX Stat page.

Specialized Tools

  • Bearings diagram tool.
  • Normal distribution drawing tool.
  • Number line tool. Vertical and horizontal numbers. Draw x = a, x > a, x < a, x <= a, x >= a and x <> a.
  • Two and three circle Venn diagrams with easy shading of regions.
  • Graph paper tool. Create Cartesian, isometric, hexagonal and polar grids and dot papers. Create log and log/log papers.
  • Unit circle tool.
  • Tree diagram drawing tool.
  • Clock tool. Draw fully customisable clock faces with or without hands.
  • Isometric drawings. Create an isometric grid that allows you to easily create isometric drawings.

Gallery of Objects

  • FX Draw is supplied with hundreds of predrawn, gallery objects.
  • Galleries include chance processes, circle geometry, dominoes, environmental images, hexominoes, isometric diagrams, Menger's sponge, optical illusions, pentominoes, Platonic solids, prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, pulley systems, regular polygons, Sierpinksi's triangle, the snowflake curve, simultaneous equations, spheres, hemispheres, latitude/longitude problems, tangrams, tesselations, triangles and trigonometry diagrams.'
  • Each gallery image is dynamic and fits the available space. More flexible than clipart.
  • Gallery images can be broken into component parts.

Output Options

  • High resolution bitmaps, PNG, TIF and JPG files.
  • Vector based SVG files.
  • Insertable OLE object.

Integration and Compatibility

  • One file type compatible across all platforms.
  • Connection based system which allows integration with any product.
  • Insertable OLE object.
  • Integration with Word 2007 (and later) ribbon bar.
  • Integration with Powerpoint 2010 (and later) ribbon bar.
  • Output suitable for Pages and Keynote.
  • Create FX Draw file from multiple inserted OLE objects in a Word file.

Feature List

Cartesian Functions

  • FX Graph defaults to Cartesian functions. Type any expression involving x (for example 3x3-2x2+2/3) and FX Graph will graph the function.
  • y = is optional for Cartesian functions.
  • Functions can be plotted as points.
  • Function domains can be entered in (-2,4] or -2 < x <= 4 format.
  • Entering domains in {-2,4} format draws the graph with the restricted domain but places arrow heads on the ends of the curve.
  • Points of interest are automatically calculated and displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the point.
  • Points of interest can be calculated as exact values.
  • First and second derivative curves.
  • Curves graphed with out of range arrows if required.
  • Vertical asymptotes calculated and drawn.
  • Horizontal asymptotes.
  • Oblique asymptotes.
  • Tangent lines can be added to function curve.
  • Secant lines can be added to function curve.
  • Tables of values can be calculated for function and added to graphic.
  • Points can be marked on function and coordinates of the points shown.
  • Integrals can be added.
  • Cartesian functions can be typed in any order. No need to convert to y = format.

Inverse Functions

  • Functions entered as x = f(y) will be graphed as inverse functions. Entered domains are interpreted as applying to y.

Implicitly Defined Functions

  • Any (valid) combination of x and y can be graphed.
  • FX Graph will attempt to internally rearrange the function to y =, then x =, in order to provide more advanced analysis.
  • Conics.

Polar Functions

  • Any function entered as r = f(th) can be graphed. FX Graph uses th to represent theta
  • Inverse polar functions (eg th = sin r) are supported (and are often very interesting).
  • Degrees and radians supported.

Parametric Equations

  • Enter functions as x=f(t);y=f(t) .
  • Domains can be entered in (-2,4] or -2 < t <= 4 format.
  • You can show the direction of the parameter on the curve.


  • FX Graph can interpret and use >, >=, < and <=.
  • Graph either side of inequation depending on local preference.
  • Shading color-coded to inequation.
  • Inequations do not need to be rearranged to y >= format.
  • Inequations can be calculated for Cartesian, inverse, implicitly defined and polar functions.
  • Feasible Regions. FX Graph can calculate and show JUST the feasible region for a system of inequations

Constants, Variables and Animations

  • a, b, c, d and m are used as constants.
  • Constants and variables can be changed using controllers.
  • Animate graphics using constants and variables.
  • Generate families of curves based on a changing constant.
  • Dynamically show drawing of curve using variable controllers.
  • Constants can be used throughout FX Graph. Domains, bounds of integration, tangent points, number of divisions for integral approximations can all be animated using constants.


  • Draw integrals using mouse.
  • Integrals to x-axis, y-axis and integrals between curves.
  • Calculate areas and integrals automatically.
  • Calculate integral approximations using trapeziums, minima, maxima, midpoint, left, right and Simpson's rule.
  • Integrals can be rotated to create Volumes of Revolution.

Arc/Curve Lengths and Ruler

  • The arc length tool operates in an almost identical way to the integral tool but calculates the arc/curve length of the function.
  • The ruler tool allows you to measure linear distances on the axes.

Axes and Grids

Fx Graph 6 Efofex Software 6 001 2 Download Free Windows 10

  • Annotate axes in degrees and fractional multiples of pi.
  • Quickly set axes and scales using the shape of the axes and maxima. Other settings set automatically.
  • Full manual control over axes if required.
  • Ability to show broken axes.
  • Log and log/log axes.
  • Cartesian grids and dots.
  • Polar grids and dots.

Points and Vectors

Fx Graph 6 Efofex Software 6 001 2 Download Free Pc

  • Plot points eg (1,2).
  • Join plotted points eg (1,2)+(3,5).
  • Draw vectors eg <1,4>.
  • Add vectors eg <3,4>+<-2,3>.
  • Vectors from points eg (1,2)+<2,3>.
  • Can use constants in vectors to create vector equation of lines eg (1,2)+a<1,4>.

Complex Numbers

  • Plot points on complex plane eg z=2+2i or z = 4cis pi/2.
  • Plot solutions to equations such as z^5=64.
  • Use magnitude of complex numbers eg |z| > 4.

Slope Fields

  • Use y' to create slope fields.
  • Plot points on a slope field to solve differential equations.

3D Graphing

  • 3D Cartesian graphs are entered as z = x2/10-4sin y (for example).
  • Enter 3D polar functions using th for theta and ph for phi. For example: r=5sin 2th+5cos 3ph
  • Enter 3D vectors and points. Use similar notation to 2D Points and Vectors. For example (1,2,3)+ <4,3,2>
  • Enter 3D parametric functions in terms of t. For example: x = 5 cos t; y = 5 sin t; z = 5 cos 3t

Volumes of Solids of Revolution

  • Right click on any integral to rotate it around the x or y axis. See the result in 3D.
  • The volume controller lets you dynamically demonstrate the rotation.


  • Annotations automatically generated from functions.
  • Annotations can be added to graph using one click.
  • Annotations are automatically updated during animations.
  • Annotations can be fully customised.

Output Options

  • High resolution bitmaps, PNG, TIF and JPG files.
  • Vector based SVG files.
  • Insertable OLE object.

Integration and Compatibility

  • One file type compatible across all platforms.
  • Connection based system which allows integration with any product.
  • Insertable OLE object.
  • Integration with Word 2007 (and later) ribbon bar.
  • Integration with Powerpoint 2010 (and later) ribbon bar.
  • Output suitable for Pages and Keynote.',FALSE,TRUE);
  • Create FX Graph file from multiple inserted OLE objects in a Word file.

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